
My names Hayley and i'm currently enjoying the new world of blogging.
I enjoy chatting so feel blogging is the perfect place for me to share thoughts, tips, buys, wants, gossip and pictures with you lovely fellow bloggers.
Much love Hayley xx

Monday, 26 December 2011

All fun and games xx

Hello Lovely's!!
I hope you all had a lovely Christmas. xx
My house officially looks like an Toys R Us has exploded in my living room!

Christmas day started at 6.30am for us as our son bounced into our bedroom with his stocking we all snuggled up in bed and unwrapped them and then went to check the living room to see if we had been extra good this year. 
Christmas is a busy day isn't it with everyone you want to see so after lunch we visited my husbands family then spent the evening at my mums. Eating turkey sandwiches of course!
I got lots of lovely gifts from family and friends i hope you did too. I will do a separate blog post share with you some of the gifts i received.
My mum and i are hitting the sales tomorrow so fingers crossed we pick up some bargains that i will also share with you.
Enjoy the rest of boxing day im off to eat more turkey and grab myself a drink and watch my new Peter Kay dvd.
Merry Christmas

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