
My names Hayley and i'm currently enjoying the new world of blogging.
I enjoy chatting so feel blogging is the perfect place for me to share thoughts, tips, buys, wants, gossip and pictures with you lovely fellow bloggers.
Much love Hayley xx

Friday, 13 April 2012

Thank you loves! x

Im back!!!

Im so sorry its taken me so long to jump on here to apologise for my lack of blog posts. 

I have had a lot going on away from the easiness and safe haven of the blog world but as everything is starting to straighten out im back to blogging and have lots of new and exciting things to show you all.

I would also like to thank you all so much for sticking around and waiting patiently
 I blogging love you!!

I have a lot of recent purchases to show you from primark hauls, new make up iv'e been trying, lush products etc etc i have a pile of items that's have been building up!!


  1. so glad you are back, i have been misssing your posts :) xxx

    1. Thank you so much Molly for your sweet comment. xx
